Bipolar Type II

published on 03 September 2022

(Hand written on October 3, 2018)

At war with myself

War goes on inside my head

Fight to keep homeostasis

Body veers back and forth

Like an ocean tide coming in and out

Only it does not happen that fast

I can stay on the shore

Picking mussels forever


My tide can take months to come in

I hide with a pen when it comes

The pen is God’s sword

That keeps me alive

When waves crash against me

It hurts my mind

Physically hitting my body

Wish I knew the clock

Works on Dene time

Most days

Fail to see the time run out

Hide away

Where I am not present

I become a gift to myself

Getting stuck inside

Brain racing to catch up 

With all my thoughts

Snow flurry of activity

Like that on the tube of an old T.V.

Constant moving of hands

Like a French man 

Feet catching fire

Worry of what is done

Like when you drive somewhere

Wondering how you got there

I rarely drive these days

People say, “It’s Mom Brain”

My brain worked this way

Before I was a Mom

So, it is “Me-Brain”

I am just figuring out

How to be a Mom

To get life done

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