
published on 03 September 2022

Tried to zap the block

with my eyes,

Envision moving it

like a superwoman

Hurling it to the moon.

Death, darkness, dampness

filled the void behind the block

A wall with secrets

Cubed inside.

Wanting to crumble

to dust.

My pens rust.

Words evade me.

Chances are lost.

Do I flail the white flag,

or throw caution to the wind?

I am sick of sayings

that rot in my brain.

When will I just be direct,

end the pain and live again?

Time to take a risk

Tottering over to danger.

Might just let the water loose

to erode the block.

Block of house that holds me

Curtains drawn to hide.

Writer’s block

kept my brain captive

Like the prison,

Cold cell block

with no clock;

that you live in.

What you did;

It cursed me

to live in the block.

Only mine has a clock

That counts your return.

Tick-Tock Tick-Tock

Behind the door is so loud

I dare not knock.

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