I finally cried

published on 03 September 2022

It has been a long time

Since I cried.

I became hard.

Yesterday, Chiefs and drummers

Lead my children and I on a march

For 215 children found in a mass grave

On Residential School land.

Stolen land.

I could not contain my cries.

I cried when I heard the Elder yell,

“No more children

Will leave their Mothers!”

I cried when people marched behind

My mother, children and I.

It was an acknowledgement

For my Grandparents that were taken

To Residential School;

For my Mother that was taken

To a group home;

For my siblings and I that were taken

To foster care;

For CFS in Calgary trying to take

My children.

Everything I have been saying,

Everything the Native people

Have been saying

Is being heard.

No children forgotten.

Canada, the world is awake to you now.

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