
published on 03 September 2022

Faithfulness is a fantasy.
Words that fall in line with a myth.
Like a world without poverty.
A place where homelessness
Doesn’t exist.
Lies. Lies. Lies. 

Filled with lies.
Cries. Cries. Cries.
A spill from the eyes.
The world I live in does not exist.
One where marriage makes me happy
And my husband and I co-exist.
Lies, lies, lies.
She cries. Cries. Cries.

As her co-worker lays naked in her bed
With her lover while she makes the bread.
Or with her credit card bumpin’ heads
With the newbie lookin’ for online creds.
He’s got dreds so dope and long
All the woman want him when she’s gone.
It’s all lies. She cries. It’s lies.
People see a friendly man
Who puts her head into the wall
And spends her money at the mall.
Lies. Lies. Lies.

She cries. She cries. She cries.  

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