Undue Smile

published on 03 September 2022

Chapter One: The Creator

(I started writing this in 2015 after a severe concussion. I decided after being stabbed multiple times, that in case I die, I better share it before it is too late. While the story has already been handwritten in draft form years ago, it will take me some time to type the entire story. I deal with daily pain in my nerves now, so I will type what I can each day.)


He was not the coming of Christ, the return of Jesus, nor a prophet named Mohammed, and not a single oracle foretold his arrival. Yet, he had already arrived in a bare and desolate island once inhabited by cane traders. The buildings were in a derelict state and the machinary was still blood stained from the now long gone captives. He was old and his dark skin was now leathery from the sun. His dreds has turned to a soft grey mixed with course white hairs and flowed freely down his naked worn back. First appearances would have one seeing a weak frail man. Yet, do not be mistaken for the eyes do not always see what the soul contains. He chose this vessel knowing that an Elder endures daily pain and does not complain about it. He decided that this was the strongest form to hold on this earthly planet. He was not a savior returning. He was the Creator coming to start a new. He placed his hands upon one broken down building and the roots of the trees around it emerged from the ground, engulfed the building and crushed it back down into the earth from where it came. In just a matter of mere seconds the building vanished.

Then the Creator placed his hands upon the largest tree and said, “Spread this message through all your roots. The time has come to become plant bombers. Let every tree know that they are to return all human made things that have been abandoned to the earth. Push them towards the core of the earth where they will be melted in preparation for new life. For what is of the earth is stronger than all of humankind. Be sure to harm no creature in your wake.”

Then he saw a cluster of male monarch butterflies resting at the foot of the tree. One broke away to land on his hand.

The Creator gently lifted his hand to his mouth and whispered to the butterfly, “Tell all your kind that the time is now. Spread your wings and travel all of earth. Make sure each butterfly lands upon the breast of a woman and kisses her with their wings. This kiss will impregnate only those with genuine and good hearts. The children that these women carry shall cleanse the earth and shall all be born on the same day in the thousands.”

So it began, the monarchs broke their clustered formation. They headed in all directions to reach the inhabitants of the earth. Now the Creator and the butterflies judged not a woman by her biology; if a person felt she was a woman, the butterflies chose her too. The very butterfly that rested upon the Creator’s hand lay still while the others departed. Once the last of his kind left the island, only then did the butterfly that was whispered to break away to flutter his wings. He had to stay still long enough to send his message. Another use of his antennae that humans were unaware of were their ability to transmit messages. Similar to soundwaves, only with the vibrations spreading from their antennae to the antennae around them. This monarch left the hand of the Creator and was the last to take flight.

He flew from the southern tips of the abandoned Caribbean island and headed north for Canada. Flying until he reached a small Dene village, a place where only Natives and Metis were allowed to live. He landed on the chest of a young woman with long brown hair and flicked his wings in a single flutter to allow his wings to kiss her breast. The butterfly release a tiny flagella shaped parasite into the body. It penetrated the skin and felt like a mosquito bite. Very similar to the male sperm only it was asexual in nature and was already attached to an egg. It pierced her skin and found its way into her bloodstream through her heart. It was given its first heartbeat after it was propelled through her atrium. Pushing itself forward with its whip-like tail that would fall off sooner than a human embryo’s tail. It continued to work its way through the body until it attached to her intestine. This was not like a human so it required no womb to live with its host. Like a human fetus would, it lived in harmony with its mother host, and caused her the usual discomforts like nausea and vomiting. Only the vomiting would be worse from agitating her digestive tract. This offspring would constantly steal nutrients from the walls of her intestines to survive and grow.

Her name was a simple French name like that of her father’s people. Her mother named her Isabelle when her father left them at birth. Her eyes were light brown and her skin had a soft glowing complexion. Only she was not darker like her neighbours because her father was not Native. Her mother was Native but raised her alone. Her father left because she was different. Her mother always longed for a grandchild but knew it was impossible. The doctors told her that it was actually as common as redheads at birth. Despite this knowledge, her father fled deeming her a freak of nature and protested giving her a girls name. The mother stayed by her regardless of the fact that she was born intersex and had both male and female body parts.

Chapter Two: The Virgin

Isabelle’s mother always treated her like a girl from birth. She gave her a girls name when she looked upon her face and saw a sweet chubby baby girl. Her husband thought she was delusional and that they should abandon Isabelle together. He wanted to take his wife with him and try again. When he saw that she could not let Isabelle down and that she was in love with their child more than she ever loved him, he snuck away while she slept and never returned. Isabelle never questioned whether she was a girl or not. Her mother raised her as one her whole life. She kept her private parts a secret so as far as the school knew, Isabelle was a girl. So when Isabelle started showing all the signs of pregnancy, only her mother questioned its possibility. Isabelle was so naive and innocent that she had no clue that she was pregnant. Knowing she was a virgin, she never suspected it.

Her mother spoke softly, “Isabelle, who is the father? I hear you eating from the fridge all night and throwing up all day.”

“I don’t understand the question, mother?”

“You are pregnant. I know these things. I was the same as you when I was pregnant. Only I cannot figure out how it is possible.”

“No, mother, you are mistaken. I cannot be pregnant when I have never laid with a man.”

“Well then you are very sick and need to see a doctor.”

“I will go tomorrow. Today, I am so tired that I must rest. Tomorrow is the first day of Spring. You know how tired I get when the seasons change. I promise, mother. For now, do not worry about me.”

Chapter Three: The Birth

Chapter Four: The Babies

Chapter Five: The Destroyer

Chapter Six: The Second Birth

Chapter Seven: The Population

Chapter Eight: The Cleansing

Chapter Nine: The Battle

Chapter Ten: The Rules

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